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Summer Jobs

Addyson Adkins| May 2024

This summer everyone will be looking for ways to get some money, whether that be for some fun summer activities or to buy some school clothes for the upcoming year. Whatever you need or want, this article can help you get some extra cash for this summer! Obviously every teenager cannot have a job in this town, there aren’t enough places! However, there are some other ways to get some money. For starters, you could sell some of your old clothes. Tons of people on apps like Depop are really into older, more vintage looking clothes but any type of clothing works. I can assure you that there is someone out there who would pay for dad’s old band t-shirt. Another way you could get some cash is babysitting. Yes, I know, this isn’t something unique or something that I just came up with but it’s pretty effective. For some people, a babysitter can be the difference between another sleepless night and a little bit of space. Whether it’s just for a couple hours or an overnight sitter (not everyone will feel comfortable with this and there are certain things you should do before you stay overnight with someone else’s kids) it’s always appreciated. You can almost always find someone who needs a sitter! Additionally, dog or pet sitting could be another good way to make some money. Plenty of people who go out of town and can’t take their pets usually need someone to look after their pets. Sometimes family can help but if it’s for an extended period of time, there is always someone who would be in need. The last way I can think of to get some money is to find a job. Like I said earlier, not every teenager can have a job in Scott County because we don’t have enough places. However, places close like lexington and frankfort would have some cool jobs. You could work at the mall in Lexington, some fast food places on the way there, or even retail depending on your age. Places like Chick-Fil-A, Sonic Drive thru, and most fast-food places will hire under 18. Walmart is a really good place for people in high school with flexible hours, golf courses, and retail places. Hopefully this article has provided some insight as to ways you can get some money this summer. Summer jobs can be super rewarding to understand life skills, time management, and to prepare yourself for the future. May you get your bag up and buy all the clothes, food, and shoes your heart desires.


SCHS Blood Drive

Mckayla Simpson| April 2024

Blood drive is on Thursday April 18-19th at 9 am to 3 pm at Scott County High School located in the upper gym. If you donate blood you can get a limited edition T-shirt for free! So come on down and support the Kentucky blood drive center. This blood drive will help save many lives. You may ask what the blood drive is really about.

The blood drive is a community where members have the opportunity to donate blood to help save lives and to support communities through schools and other locations. Sign up starts Wednesday April 17th and ends the 18th -19th. Will you donate blood?


Daylight Savings, Good or Bad?

Brooke Hamilton| March 2024

Did you know daylight savings time is a very controversial topic?

For some background, some people say daylight savings is used to help make more use of the outdoors, which is why some call it  “summertime”, some say it’s for farmers, as it allows them to have an extra hour for their crops, and to conserve energy. Due to this, it gives us an hour less of sleep from March 10th to November 2nd, then on November 3rd we gain back an hour of sleep. The only year we did not do daylight savings time is the year 1940. We did this to help conserve fuels and give more attention to national defense & security. 

Daylight saving time was first introduced in the United States in 1918 under the Standard Time Act as a measure to save on fuel costs during the First World War by adding an extra hour of sunlight to the day. 


The Big Move!

Mckayla Simpson| February 2024

You might be wondering what the Big Move is. Scott County High School’s library books have been limited to being checked out until March 29th because they have to be moved to the new high school. I repeat, March 29th before the library books are completely gone. The deadline is May 1st, which means no more new books until the Big Move to the new Scott County High School. If you do not turn in your books before the deadline, you will get a letter sent to you in the mail by Mrs. Musick saying you owe money for that book. Please turn them in before the due date. If you don’t, it could affect you, especially if you’re a senior. If you are a senior and you haven’t turned in your books on time you will not be permitted to participate in any senior activities! All books are due before Spring Break on March 29th, which is on a Friday. May 1st, we’ll be boxing up the books and traveling to the new school, so come and check out new books before it’s too late! New things are coming, so please turn in your books by March 29th. There are other options for how you can still check out books: audiobooks and ebooks will work great as a substitute if you love to read or are interested in downloading the app MackinVIA. You can download the app through your phone or computer. Plus, it’s free! It can also be found on the library website if you would like to check it out online.



Brooke Hamilton & Nathan Hinojosa| February 2024

What is STLP? STLP is a Student Technology Learning Program. This program helps give students fun projects, services, or products to make. There are many different categories, ranging from digital content (digital art, designs, photography, and robotics) to technical, and can also be used as a student help desk. STLP has competitions in the spring. There is a state competition where students who have the best of the best projects present their products. STLP State Championship is more than just competitions. Everyone who comes to Rupp Arena/Central Bank Center on April 19th will benefit from exploring the hundreds of opportunities for inspiration. Watch robotics competitions live and participate in the STLP Experience!


All About Valentine’s Day

Camaryn Douglas| January 2024

The loving holiday Valentine’s Day originated as an honor for a martyred Christian saint.  In the Roman Empire around 268/269 AD, the Battle of Naissus was brewing and Emperor Claudius needed soldiers for war. His people resisted joining the military because they didn’t want to leave their families and wives. This left Emperor Claudius without enough soldiers for the war. To fix his problem Claudius banned marriage in Rome. Along came a Christian named St.Valentine who didn’t like the concept of happy couples not being able to get married. He then secretly started helping couples get married behind Claudius’s back. St. Valentine was soon arrested and then beaten to death in jail. He did all of this just so people could be happily married.Valentine’s Day is thought to have originated during a festival called Lupercalia, because it was a feast honoring a Roman god named Juno, the God of marriage. Lupercalia was first celebrated for centuries in the middle of February and eventually, as the Roman Empire became less pagan and more Christian, it was soon transformed into a celebration honoring St. Valentine. The United States adopted and started celebrating the day In the 1840s, where Valentine’s Day has evolved into a day where we celebrate by seeing our loved ones, going on dates (based on our love status), giving/receiving gifts such as boxes of chocolate, roses, cards, and stuffed animals. 


Prevention of Teen Suicide

Raegan Brown & Jesse Lindsey| January 2024

Teen suicide is a big concern in our world today. We have friends, family, and strangers who have lives touched by teen suicide. There were well over 50,000 teen suicides just last year in the United States. There are very many different causes of this. Going from moving areas stretching the way to as little as having no one to listen to their problems. Believe it or not, but there are ways to spot these things, somewhat like clues that lead up to these types of situations and there are ways that you can help. There are signs such as them not eating, not doing normal activities as they would normally do, not wanting to get out of bed, always in a bad mood, and so many more to go through. Now, if you start to see these signs then you should find ways to help whoever it may be that you are spotting these things going on with, such as sitting there and talking to them making them feel comfortable with you so they will talk to you more. Getting them to get up and get out and have some fun. Just be there for them and let them know that you are there for them. However, some of the people that go through this also have some home life problems like moving. And in these situations, a parent should talk to their child about moving before doing it spontaneously because talking it over with them before the situation would help them prepare for it so it wouldn’t be a huge adjustment all at once. If you start to experience these signs or effects you should absolutely bring it up to someone rather it is a parent, friend, teacher, just someone who you know will help you and listen to and definitely someone you trust. When you are talking to whoever it may be about the signs you’re noticing, make sure that you are completely honest about everything is going on so they get the whole picture of the situation. And if they really do love you they will seek anything or anyone to help you so you can get rid of these symptoms.


Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays – Who Knows?

Addyson Adkins & Kennedi Black| December 2023

“Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays,” which do you say? Today’s generations are all about embracing traditions and culture. However, certain holidays come with a stigma and sensitivity as to what can be said. Now, we don’t want to offend people, clearly, however with everything going on it can be hard to be aware of certain religions and what can be offensive. This article will hopefully provide some insight for this holiday season and ensure everyone does the best they can do to remain positive and respectful towards everyone. Christmas has been celebrated in America for as long as most of us can remember, not because we weren’t trying to be inclusive, but because Americans were mainly Christian before other religions came in. Christmas was the main holiday celebrated during this season before the others. Recently, however, there has been some controversy around saying, “Merry Christmas” because it was declared offensive towards people who do not celebrate the holiday. Christmas is a holiday surrounding Christianity and Jesus’ birthday. Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah, which is a Jewish holiday that reaffirms the ideals of Judaism and commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the lighting of candles on each day of the festival. Therefore, people believe saying “Merry Christmas” can be inappropriate. However, “Merry Christmas”’ has been said for as long as most of us remember, and most people don’t try to be offensive when saying it; they’re just attempting to be positive about the holidays. Certain people say “Happy Hanukkah” instead of “Merry Christmas” and people don’t get offended, and we just agree and move on. However, when it comes to saying “Merry Christmas” there is a problem around it. People think that just saying Merry Christmas is fine because whether or not you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or any other holiday; most people don’t have malicious intentions, they’re just trying to celebrate. So if someone says Merry Christmas, they’re just trying to be kind and spread joy, not target a particular religion. Now for the opposing side, arguing that we shouldn’t say, “Merry Christmas”. Saying “Merry Christmas” has been the most popular phrase for Americans to say around the holidays. In today’s society, we normalize being inclusive and supporting and respecting everyone. A lot of negativity has grown towards saying, “Merry Christmas” to people because of different religions and beliefs. People now believe in saying “Happy holidays” in place of “Merry Christmas”. Saying just “Merry Christmas” can be disrespectful to people who don’t celebrate Christmas. Now that times are changing it is appropriate to say, “Happy holidays” instead so everyone can feel included and respected this holiday season. In summary, whether you say, “Merry Christmas” or not, it’s really up to you. We’ve given you all kinds of information and opinions based on facts and if you would like to say, “Merry Christmas”, then that is your choice. If you would like to say, “Happy Holidays” that is also up to you. Just remember, not everyone has the same beliefs and we should spread holiday cheer. Try to be as respectful as possible and let’s all remember it’s time for fun holiday cheer and keeping spirits high.


Winter Activities

Nathan Hinojosa & Brooke Hamilton| December 2023

Stuck inside? Or fun outside? Either way there is still so much to do in these 2-3 months of snow, whether it’s too cold for you to go outside or you just love the snow! Something that might interest you, your family, or friends, to do inside, is build forts. Some may think forts are just for kids, but they can be fun for all ages. You could build the fort with friends, and play games or watch movies inside. Another idea could be to bake some holiday treats you enjoy, Google recipes, or try new recipes that you’ve wanted to try before. Decorating your house with any holiday items you enjoy is always a fun thing to do. Put on some holiday jams or a festive movie and get to work! Cleaning your room may not seem that fun, but there are plenty of activities you could incorporate into it. You can do a color-coded challenge as in picking up certain colors at a time or just focusing on certain items. Competitions are fun right? A holiday competition could be building gingerbread houses with your family or friends for some bonding time! Although going outside in the winter doesn’t seem very fun, there are many things that you might not have thought about, such as sledding. Sledding is such an iconic activity to do in the winter. Some places with the best sledding mountains/slopes are the Scott County park, your backyard (if it has a slope). You could also do some research to find a park nearby with good slopes. Another fun and group/family activity is skiing/snowboarding. Skiing can be a very controlled and slow-paced activity. Although, snowboarding is less controlled, it is more fast paced for those people seeking an adrenaline rush. Here are some of the activities that you can do at home if you don’t want to leave your house. Things you can do in the back/front yard are snowball fights, building a snowman, and setting up holiday lights. You could also look at other houses to spring up some competitive energy with your neighbors. Those are some of the many things you can do outdoors in the winter. Hope this helps with your holiday fun. Feel free to use your holiday spirit and let it guide your imagination wherever. 


Did you know?

Raegan Brown| May 2024

Did you know that the formal senior pictures will be during the summer before your senior year? The dates for pictures are June 4th from 10am-4pm at ECS, July 24th from 10am-4pm at ECS, and August 5th 10am-4pm at the NEW SCHS. Students can sign up by going to and clicking on the orange “book a session” button. The cap & gown sessions can be added for $27 but only for the June and July dates.  Everything that students need is provided, including the tuxes/drapes, jewelry, and if they choose the extra session, caps and gowns. The dress code is for ladies to wear a strapless undergarment if possible as the drapes are off the shoulder, and for gentlemen to wear a white t-shirt with no logo. If you wear glasses make sure the lenses are clean and bring touch up makeup if desired. If you don’t get your pictures taken, you won’t be in the yearbook. If students have questions, please have them email

Jesse Lindsey| April 2024

Did you know that in the business department next year we will be getting a brand new podcast room to do the SCHS news? We will be having a wet room and a dark room for producing and printing tee shirts, sweatshirts, etc. for the SCHS store. We will also be upgrading the school store by making it bigger and adding more SCHS apparel to it. There will be one room dedicated to all the big printers so they will not have to be in the classrooms.

Omaris Rivera| January 2024

Valentine’s Flower Meanings

Did you know that different flowers convey diverse meanings on Valentine’s Day?

According to a Martha Stewart article on Valentine’s Day flower symbolism, the choice of blooms can subtly communicate emotions and sentiments. 

Red roses, a timeless classic, symbolize deep love and passion. Carnations represent admiration and affection, while tulips express perfect love. Lilies convey refined beauty and commitment, making them a meaningful choice. Daisies, along with their innocence, symbolize loyal love. The delicate forget-me-nots are a reminder of true love. Orchids embody love, beauty, and strength. Sunflowers, with their vibrant hues, symbolize adoration. Whether you’re conveying passion, admiration, or a promise of eternal love, the language of flowers adds a meaningful touch to your Valentine’s Day gestures.

Camaryn Douglas| November 2023

Thanksgiving Meal

Did you know that our lunch lady staff is making us a meal for thanksgiving? They are serving turkey, rolls, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, stuffing, sweet potatoes, fruit salad, and possibly chicken legs. The types of pie they are letting you choose from are apple, pecan, and pumpkin. The meal is happening on November 16. 

Bus Pass

Did you know that you can’t ride a school bus without a school note? The bus drivers don’t let you ride a bus if they don’t know who you are or if you don’t have a note. You have to get permission from both parents. Then at the end of the day you will go to the attendance office and grab your note. 


What is FCCLA?

Cheyenne Dailey| November 2023

FCCLA allows students enrolled in various FCS classes to use content gained in class through leadership opportunities. FCCLA is a program for kids to help with the community, school, friends, and family. Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Ison, and Mrs. Powell push and teach lessons about the importance of involvement in FCCLA. Being involved in FCCLA will look good on files and applications. It’s an excellent way to be social and travel, go places, and get a good job, and is also a perfect opportunity to learn about childcare, so one day in the future you will be ready. 

    FCCLA does have a $20 fee, but just imagine what you will do! You’ll be helping with Pinkout, football games, selling t-shirts/tickets, working with your career, going to new places, and more. FCCLA is an excellent way to get out of the house and help your community/world. Being out and helping the world can earn you a good reputation, and FCS/FCCLA provides life skills, leadership opportunities, and cooperation skills to use for the future. 

       One of the officers who were interviewed said that Mrs. Ison told her to do it, she wasn’t so sure but Mrs. Ison convinced her to join, and she was glad that she joined FCCLA. All the officers that were interviewed love being in FCCLA. They say it is a good way to let you step out of your comfort zone, be open, be included, and be you. FCCLA is a welcoming club, everyone and anyone can join. Each of the officers has their job and performs different roles such as finance, which you keep up with over the year, and public relations, keeping track of all the social media to keep everyone updated on what the FCCLA is doing. Overall FCCLA is a safe and fun club to be a part of.


The Fight Against the Flu

Kamryn Camp| October 2023

Becky McCoy, Scott County High School’s nurse, estimates that 1 in 4 students contract the flu yearly. “This,” she adds, “is based on school notes I receive; only a few specifically say they have the flu. That doesn’t mean more don’t have it.” 

The flu, also known as Influenza, is a highly contagious virus widespread during the fall season. CDC records that “…flu has resulted in 9 million – 41 million illnesses, 140,000 – 710,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 – 52,000 deaths annually between 2010 and 2020.” (CDC, 2022). Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the flu is no longer a public health priority. However, the recorded illnesses and deaths are just as high as before. 

According to the CDC, influenza comes with various symptoms that can range from mild to severe. These symptoms include but are not limited to fever, cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, fatigue, headaches, and body aches. The virus is as miserable as it sounds, victimizing “on average, 8 percent of the U.S. population…each season.” (CDC, 2022).

“Most people complain it doesn’t even help,” McCoy states after being asked about the flu vaccine. “We compose the vaccine in regards to the strand of flu from last year’s cases, hoping to address what could potentially be the strand this year. That doesn’t mean it will be.” 

Although there are no promises that a new strand of the flu won’t infect the public, the vaccine prevents past deadly strands from becoming lethal in an individual. A common misconception is that vaccines are supposed to cure you from a virus; however, their real purpose is to limit the virus’s effects if contracted. 

Vaccination is a heated topic in society today, more dramatic since the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Influenza vaccine, however, is recommended across the board of health professionals because of its vital benefits. Vaccinations “reduce you and your loved ones’ risk of getting influenza by 40–60%.” (CDC, 2022). Although this seemingly isn’t a large percentage, this includes the possibility of new flu strands – which are currently unpreventable. Despite the formation of unpredictable strands, “flu-related pediatric ICU admissions reduced by 74% after a rise in administered flu vaccines. (Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2014.)

When deciding to become vaccinated, consider your health and those around you. Not everyone is vaccinated. Therefore, everyone should take measures to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. “Because vaccinations are an individual decision,” McCoy explains, “I recommend that everyone wash their hands, cover when coughing or sneezing, and properly dispose of tissues.” Scott County students, we urge you not to let us all become victims of this killer; let’s weaponize preventative measures this fall to protect friends, family, and ourselves. Vaccinated or not, they become leaders in the fight against the flu. 


SCHS Journalism Class Brings Back the School Newspaper

Autumn Miller-Hayes & Meghan York| September 2023

Hey, Besties!

We’re the team behind all the things you need to know. You know, just like the amazing magazines you spend hours reading, the articles you turn to for advice, the interesting and toe-curling stories you share with friends, and the cartoon memes you relate to each morning. Yup, that’s us, and we love having you as a part of our Scoop family.

If you’re new, welcome! SCHS Scoop is the leading Gen Z magazine brand, offering a mix of the best beauty advice, upcoming events, wellness insight, entertainment news, and yes, TikTok trends, for the most influential generation of teens and young adults.

Consider us your favorite fangirl (yes, we loved Euphoria, too) and best friend (there’s nothing off-limits here). In SCHS Scoop, you can find whatever you need to navigate life as a teen or young adult attending this school. Since we launched, we will be here to celebrate every major milestone with you, including Prom, graduation, and all the big and small moments in between.
We’re also your support team, your biggest cheerleaders, providing you with the tools and inspiration to achieve your dreams and change the world. We are excited to shine a light on those of you who make major moves in your communities, high school halls, and on your upcoming college campuses.

Day to day, we want to make sure you’re prepared for everything life throws your way, with accurate expert input and well-vetted advice for everything, from nailing the right skin care routine to re-creating your favorite celeb hairstyles and even pulling off the most talked-about TikTok fashion trends. We’ll also help you find things to do, such as learn about upcoming sporting events. We are here to help you navigate crushes, deal with stress or maybe even pick a major. And of course, we’ll always keep you in the know on what to add to your high-school bucket list and what your favorite sports team is up to as well.

Why trust us? With a ton of questions floating around your head and in the halls, we realize trying to catch up on them can be overwhelming. We want to be sure that what you’re reading is not only fun, but also accurate and informative. We are going to make it our priority to tap the best experts in the industry, fact-check, teacher-test, and research every story and product we’re recommending so that you feel comfortable trying it all and, more importantly, that you love it.

One of our favorite things to do is help you find new fire things to try out and discover, like, the latest sports, or the next upcoming events. Just know that while our suggestions always come from an honest place, we do participate in helping you find your way. This means that sometimes when you need someone to talk to or get advice from, we have you covered through our site. But trust us, everything we feature is driven by high editorial and ethical standards and not by an advertiser or affiliate relationship. This is a safe space. We take your privacy seriously.



SpongeBob Musical Review

Omaris Rivera| May 2024

The latest high school production of “The SpongeBob Musical” was an enjoyable show that highlighted the remarkable abilities of its young cast and crew. Every element of the production, from the lively performances to the colorful stage design, perfectly encapsulated the humorous atmosphere of Bikini Bottom. The set, which cleverly combined vivid colors and dramatic backdrops, was a vibrant, imaginative underwater world. The undersea look was enhanced by clever props and well-placed lighting, which resulted in smooth scene transitions. The costumes were carefully created to replicate SpongeBob and his pals’ recognizable appearances. The actors gave spirited and energetic performances. SpongeBob played by Kenzlee Callisonwas captivating, she expertly conveyed the character’s cheerfulness. Patrick’s portrayal, by Jacob Masterson, was endearing, and Squidward’s, played by Lily Rose, comedic timing during the tap dance number “I’m Not a Loser” was a highlight. Excellent vocal performances were bolstered by the live student ensemble. Every musical number, including the cheerful “Bikini Bottom Day” and the inspirational “Best Day Ever,” was performed with skill. The audience was thrilled the entire time by the spirited choreography. A clean and delightful experience was guaranteed by the skilled direction. The humor was appropriate for a family audience, and the pacing was quick. All things considered, this high school production of “The SpongeBob Musical” was a huge success, honoring community theater and highlighting the skill and commitment of all those engaged. Bravo to everyone for thriving in their theatrical ambitions!


Are April Showers Bringing in May Flowers?

Brooke Hamilton| May 2024

As summer is approaching, we are starting to see more and more color. Wouldn’t it be cool to see most of these flowers in your own backyard or in your personal flower bed all year round? After the last winter frost you can plant Black-Eyed Susans, knockout roses, and Martha Washington geraniums, and then also in the fall when the temperatures start to drop below 50-60 degrees. That way they will end up blooming in the early summer. A few flowers you can plant in the spring are butterfly bushes, which will attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and a few other pollinating bugs/birds, and sedums. These ones will end up blooming in the summer as well. Flower beds are a good idea because they are very colorful and fun for kids to look at, especially with all the insects/bugs going to the flowers, it would be a very good entertainment space. Also, they make good fillers for places where not much is happening in your yard, so if you want something in an area of your yard but aren’t quite sure on what, then maybe look into flower beds. Your neighborhood would be very interested in it, it’s very eco friendly and good for purifying air, and you could make some of your own bouquets for yourself, friends, or family.


The Rise of the Space Age Cosmopolitan Bachelor pad

Sophia Cornett| April 2024

Space Age Pop spans the period from 1954 to 1964. It was a time of experimentation, as it directly coincided with the rise of hi-fi technology. These technological advancements allowed record companies to explore audio production in a way that had never been seen before. Artists like Esquivel, Les Baxter, and Martin Denny took this opportunity to explore their innovative “audio-splicing skills”. However, with the emergence of the British Invasion, the culture of popular music underwent a shift, causing many instrumental pop artists to fade into obscurity. Space Age Bachelor Pad Music stands in a middle ground between jazz and pop with its eccentric orchestrations and surreal landscapes. It should be used as a broad term as with “Space Age Pop,” there lies sub-genres like Exotica, Jet Set Pop, Cocktail Music, and Space Age Bachelor Pad Music. The RCA History of Space Age Pop states that recordings from this era utilized acoustic and electric instruments. However, the studio toolkit was what made it so different. Tape speed manipulation, multi-tracking, controlled distortion, reverb, equalization, and tape editing were all manipulated by new artists. Artists took big band instrumentation and classics like “Sentimental Journey” or “Yellow Bird” and transformed them into something new. Space Age Bachelor Pad Music gained widespread popularity upon its original release, meaning new exploration with stereo. However, with the rapid advancement of technology and the rise of counterculture movements, the genre eventually faded into obscurity. With a bit of patience, you can still track down original vinyl copies of classic Space Age Pop. If you’re lucky, they can be found cheap at yard sales and thrift stores. If you travel downtown to record dealers such as POPS Resale and CD Central, you may even be able to pick out some vinyl still in good shape. Just don’t be surprised when you see the price tag. Prices on these LPs have skyrocketed in the past few years, as demand now exceeds supply. In case vinyl isn’t your thing, take this playlist as your starting point for your venture into the world of the Space Age Cosmopolitan Bachelor Pad:

Caravan – Buddy Merrill

Mini Skirt – Esquivel!

Moon Moods – Les Baxter

Gay Spirits – David Rose

Misirlou – Martin Denny

Rockin’ In the Orbit – Jimmie Haskell

Meditation – Enoch Light

Yellow Bird – Arthur Lyman

Alika – Webley Edwards

Perfidia – Jackie Davis

Credits: Chusid, Irwin. “The RCA History of Space Age Pop.” Space Age Bachelor Pad Music, 1995,


Solar Eclipse

Omaris Rivera| March 2024

 Every few years, the celestial dance between the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth unveils one of nature’s most captivating phenomena: a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses have fascinated mankind for a millennia, captivating cultures worldwide with their enthralling display of cosmic alignment. Here we will delve into the science, history, and significance of solar eclipses, offering you an opportunity to understand and appreciate these extraordinary events. Solar eclipses occur when the Moon makes passage between the Sun and the Earth, completely blocking the light and casting a shadow over the Earth’s surface. An eclipse can only occur during the new moon phase when the Moon, Sun, and Earth are aligned in a straight line, the Moon positioned directly between the Sun and the Earth. Overall, there are three types of solar eclipses. To begin we have a Total Solar Eclipse – in this kind of eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun. The Sun’s corona becomes visible to the observers in the moment of totality, when the eclipse is total. Total Solar Eclipses are relatively rare, they typically occur when the size of the Moon matches that of the Sun. This is how it allows it to completely obscure the Sun’s dusk during the eclipse. The second type of solar eclipse we have is a Partial Solar Eclipse – during a partial solar eclipse, the Moon partially, hence the name, covers the Sun, only casting a shadow on a portion of the Earth’s surface. The extent of the partial solar eclipse depends on the viewer’s position relative to the path of the eclipse totality. Lastly, we have the Annular Solar Eclipse. An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon is too far from the Earth to completely cover the Sun’s disk. Resulting in a visible ring of light around the Moon’s silhouette, creating what we know as the “ring of fire” effect. Solar eclipses don’t occur every new moon due to the Moon’s tilted orbit and potential alignment issues, and may not occur if the Moon is not directly between Earth and the Sun. Solar eclipses offer scientists valuable insight into the relationship between the Moon, the Sun, and the Earth. This allows them to study the Sun’s outer atmosphere, the corona, which provides knowledge into its temperature, structure, and dynamics, enhancing our understanding of solar activity and space weather. They also give scientists the opportunity to observe the Moon’s orbit and position with precision, which can aid in refining our understanding of lunar dynamics and gravitational interactions. Further, solar eclipses offer opportunities to test and validate theories in astrophysics. The next upcoming Total Solar Eclipse will be on April 8th of this year. The totality of the eclipse will cross North America and will pass over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. It is said that the sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk. If you are interested in seeing this eclipse unfold, remember: safety first. It is essential to utilize proper eye protection when viewing a solar eclipse to prevent permanent eye damage. Looking at the sun directly during the eclipse could cause severe nerve damage to the retina or even blindness due to intense solar radiation. A popular safe viewing method is solar viewing glasses. These glasses block any harmful ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation allowing safe viewing. A variety of solar viewing glasses can be found on places like Amazon, Walmart, BestBuy, etc. Always ensure that the glasses are not damaged or scratched, this can compromise their effectiveness. Solar eclipses have evoked fascination and a sense of awe throughout history. They serve as a reminder of our place in the cosmos and our ongoing pursuit to further understand the universe. From ancient civilizations , to modern scientists, solar eclipses have roused curiosity, awe, and discovery. These events allow for opportunities for people to come together, share the wonders of the universe, and expand our understanding of the natural world. They remind us of the interconnectedness of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, and the complexity and beauty of the cosmos. Solar eclipses serve as great reminders of the heartfelt impact celestial events have on humanity’s understanding of the universe, inspiring curiosity, wonder, and discovery for years to come. 


Leap Year

Raegan Brown| February 2024

 A leap year is an exciting occurrence. One very cool aspect is that we have one student here at Scott County High School with a birthday on leap year, his name is Lucas Hillard and he says, “Having a birthday on a leap year is very different and confusing but in some ways, it kind of feels special to have that birthday.” He usually celebrates his birthday on February 28th, “ I would rather have an actual birthday on a different date because I only have four actual birthdays” he said (this one will be the 4th.) On the 29th he might end up getting a few extra gifts. The leap year was first created in 46 BCE by Julius Caesar of Rome. Leap year is beneficial because this fraction allows the seasons to correctly line up with each other. In some cultures, they believe that leap day is a very unlucky day. About 4 million people in the world are leap-year babies, and there is a one in 1,461 chance of being a leap-year baby, a leap-year has 366 days.


Event Horizon Telescope

Omaris Rivera| February 2024

In the vast universe, where mysteries and celestial phenomena captivate our imagination, few ventures have captivated the world like the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). With its ability to observe deep into the cosmos, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has become a leading instrument in astrophysics, possibly being the key to unraveling some of the biggest mysteries of the universe. The EHT is a triumph of human invention and teamwork on a cosmic scale, capable of everything from capturing a supermassive, black hole to understanding the fundamental rules of physics. The EHT is a global formation of radio telescopes that work to capture high-resolution images of all celestial objects. The idea of the EHT was first proposed in 1997, and since then it has grown into a collaboration of over 300 scientists from all over the world. The primary objective of the EHT is to observe the surroundings of supermassive, black holes. In particular, their event horizons, the boundary at which nothing can escape their gravitational pull, not even light. One of the EHT’s most significant achievements came in April of 2019, when it revealed the image of a black hole’s event horizon, which is located in Galaxy M87. This historical image provided evidence of the existence of black holes, confirming predictions made by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. This remarkable imaging capability is achieved by combining data from a global network of radio telescopes worldwide, including facilities in Hawaii, Spain, Antarctica, and Chile. To synchronize observations from each location the EHT uses an atomic clock and to accurately timestamp data collection. Software then combines the data recollected to create a cohesive image. One of the key technologies used by the EHT is very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI), which allows astronomers to simulate a single, earth-sized telescope, by linking multiple telescopes across a range of distances. With time, the EHT has been able to continually improve its techniques and equipment, strengthening its ability to capture fine details in the images it captures.  analysis and data processing have also played a crucial role in gathering meaningful scientific insights from the extensive amount of data collected by the EHT. The telescope’s groundbreaking image of the black hole in M87 presented scientists with extraordinary insights into the extreme environments that surround such amazing objects. With the EHT, scientists were able to study and test predictions of general relativity and gain a new understanding of the behavior of matter under great gravitational conditions. Apart from the M87 black hole, the EHT has also observed the supermassive, black hole in the center of our Milky Way, also known as Sagittarius A*. Astronomers have been able to measure and study its effect on the surrounding environment precisely. The EHT continues to make remarkable contributions to astrophysics with ongoing observations and studies on a variety of topics, including the nature of dark matter and the formation of galaxies.  Looking ahead, the EHT is expected to expand its capabilities and tackle more aspiring scientific goals. Underway, the hope is to increase its sensitivity and resolution to capture and study small holes and other compact objects. But beyond its scientific contributions, the EHT has made a profound impact on the world with science and technology. The release of the first black hole image captured the world’s imagination, spreading an interest and enthusiasm for space exploration and astronomy. As the EHT continues to go beyond our boundaries of understanding the cosmos, it is a testament to the power of universal collaboration and the creativity of human innovation. By bringing together scientists from diverse backgrounds, the EHT symbolizes the collective pursuit of knowledge and the essence of exploration that drives the scientific process.


The Long Haul

Addyson Adkins| January 2024

It’s time to come back to school after Christmas break. Everyone is either excited or dreading it, some people come in sweats and slides, others come in sweaters and smiles wearing Christmas gifts, still living out the joy. But what happens between the four months of not having a single break? Lowered attendance? Bad grades? Students feeling like they can’t keep up the motivation? This slump is so common after being out of school for two weeks that most people don’t take the time to talk about the ways it can be avoided. This article will hopefully provide some insight into regaining motivation, keeping your grades up, and lowering the stress between now and spring break. To start, you could set short-term goals that are easier to achieve. By doing this, you can choose what you’d like to accomplish whether it’s over the span of a couple days or a week. You can also allow an award for positive reinforcement to keep up motivation. For a couple examples, you could make a short-term goal such as reading a book you enjoy, or finishing a movie with a trailer that interests you. You could make a goal to get outside and take your pet on a walk, do a load of laundry, set aside an hour to do homework, and allow yourself a 25 minute break to get a snack or call a friend. Make it a short-term goal to make your bed if its something you need to do. Short-term goals are perfect for this long haul because they are unique to you and your needs. They can be small or big depending on what you need. Aside from making short-term goals, you can make time to hang out with friends! Allowing yourself room to enjoy the company of others is such good reinforcement and always makes people feel better. You and your friend could go see a movie, go get lunch, or simply stay home and talk. You guys could also always have a study date. Do some homework, get together, study for an hour or two, take a break, mess around. Make doing things you need to do fun.  Adding to that, we understand that this time of year can seem impossible for some people, from just needing a break to being so exhausted you feel drained. Trust me, I get it. Try to take time for yourself. Make your bed, watch a movie, paint or draw if it interests you. Listen to music, go to the library and pick up a new book, call your friends, spend time with family. Not everything has to be tiring and miserable. You can easily make the most out of these four months to focus on yourself and grades before spring break rolls around. To sum everything up, make sure you take time for setting goals because they do truly help to put things in perspective. Make sure you’re taking time not only for your friends but also yourself. Sometimes you need someone to spend time with and other times, you just need a little self care day. We know all about those and trust, they always help! If you’re struggling, always know you can reach out to anyone you trust and they can help you, this time of year can be draining and we want everyone to be as happy as can be! Hopefully this helps people to overcome the long haul. 


The Value of Art

Bella Garcia| January 2024

If art is your passion, then the art club is the perfect fit for you! Scott County High School will be starting a new art club. They don’t yet know the date of the first meeting, but it will begin before the end of this school year and will be ongoing for next school year at the new building. The art club will be held in Ms. Pinkston room or Mr. Dotson’s room every week on Wednesdays after school. There’s no specific art topic, so you can choose what you would like to do. You can paint, draw, chill, etc. There will be supplies provided. Art can provide many opportunities like a range of forms, symbols and ideas with meanings that are malleable. Art can lead you to big careers such as illustration, photography, graphic design, printmaking and so much more cool and fun careers. Not only is art a good pathway, but some benefits of art are stress reduction, creativity stimulation, esteem boosts, and more. Art is a way for people to express themselves, and it’s sometimes hard to do so because some don’t have a safe space to let their creativity flow. The new art club will be a place for everyone to come together and make friendships and find your inner Picassos. Art is something that can divide people through conflict of their pieces, but it can also become something beautiful that people share passion for, which is the point of the art club; to find a family you can feel safe with and communicate with through your hard work is a beautiful thing that should be shared and admired. Everyone has a place to belong through clubs or friend groups and for those of artistic values who don’t, consider joining the art club for kindred spirits that share the same dreams of sharing their art with peers who’ll value it just as much as they do.


What is the MakerSpace?

Mars Demuth| December 2023

Have you ever wanted a place to go where you can just let your creativity flow? There will be one in the new school! It is called MakerSpace. But, you may be asking yourself, what is a MakerSpace? MakerSpace is a student-run area where students can go to make and do things that can improve their thinking and build up skills that could be useful in day-to-day life. Most students like to have their own space where they are able to do what they like without having to worry about other things disrupting their time. As of right now, a lot of students do not have a lot of that space at home, so the school would like to introduce the MakerSpace that will be in the new building! During a talk with Mrs. Musick, our librarian, she brought up that she had a chat with a professor at UK about MakerSpace, and how the students should decide what should be in the space, since they will be the ones using it. Since then, she has put a bulletin up in the hall that asks the students what they would like to be in the MakerSpace. But what ideas would be put into the room? What would it be for? For example, the school could use the video editing software technology we already have (ie. adobe products like Photoshop) and put it into the space for regular students to use, not just the people who work in classes that use those. There are many possibilities for the space’s use, so make sure you let Mrs. Musick know your ideas!



Nathan Hinojosa| November 2023

Truancy, the habitual act of students skipping school without proper justification, can have far-reaching consequences on both academic and personal development. Here’s how to prevent truancy and how truancy can affect your school and personal life. Regular absences can reduce a student’s ability to keep up with lessons, leading to lower grades and decreased work ethic. Although students may not think truancy is a serious issue, many students do. In a form we sent out, 35.3% of student responses claim that truancy isn’t a severe issue, but 64.7% say it is. Truancy can have dire consequences and should be treated with caution; procedures should be taken to prevent it. Consequences of being truant include court, jail time, and severe emotional and mental damage to students and families. Students may feel isolated, contributing to social and emotional challenges that may cause them to be truant, but some reasons for absence cannot be excused.​​ That can lead to a lot of mental strain on a student and also a disconnection from classmates, teachers, and friends, leading to increased stress and social anxiety. The long-term consequences of truancy are grave, often linked to higher dropout rates, limiting future educational and career opportunities. Ways to prevent truancy include developing hobbies, and finding good reasons to attend school. If truancy is a serious issue for you, mentorship programs and counseling are available to identify and address what the causes of your truancy may be. In conclusion, many students suffer from truancy throughout the year for a multitude of reasons. By addressing the root of the causes through early intervention, involving parents, and creating engaging educational environments for the students, we can work towards reducing truancy and providing students with a solid foundation for future success. 



A Christmas Wish

Addyson Adkins & Kennedi Black| November 2023

We all know what’s right around the corner, right? As Mariah Carey said, It’s tiiiimee! Yes, it is that time again, Christmas time. Full of fun, food, spirit, and, best of all, gifts. Now, gifts always come with speculation and worry that you didn’t get the right present, or you’re just unsure about the person you’re gifting to, but this year is going to be different. This year, you have a Christmas wishlist straight from the minds of your very own high school students. Take this home, show your parents, or just add it to your previous list!

We decided this year that instead of the holiday season being stressful, we’d make it easier on you and your parents by providing a Christmas wish list for all teenage wants. We asked boys, girls, underclassmen, and upperclassmen, and we’ve put together the perfect list so this year, everyone gets exactly, or as close as possible, to what they want. So sit back, enjoy some eggnog, and put that gingerbread in the oven while you read the best Christmas article ever. 


We’ve observed, we’ve envied, and we’ve bought these shoes. Since they’re so popular, we can confidently say that these are the “IT” shoes for girls 2023;

  • Uggs


-ultra mini


-scuffette 11

  • Birkenstocks 



boston clogs

  • Converse

-platform converse


  • Nike 





For our boys, we’ve noticed their shoe game being stepped up, so we can say with ease, these are the shoes trending for the boys 2023;

  • Nike

-Jordan 4s


-airmax 95

  • Yeezy

-yeezy 350s


-foam runner

  • New balance

-nb 550

-nb 574


For our ladies, 2023 has been a great year for our fashion trends. Let’s keep it going through 2024 with these clothing brands;

  • American Eagle/Aerie

-wide leg jeans

-flared leggings

-oversized crewnecks

  • Lululemon

-align tank top

-align leggings

-speed up shorts

-hotty hots

fanny pouch

  • Skims

-bodycon dress


-fleece sweats

  • H&M

-cargo jeans

-slim straight jeans

-neutral colored long sleeve

-basic short sleeve

-ribbed tank top

For the gentlemen, we have seen all kinds of different styles throughout the year, but these were the ones to really kick it up a notch;

  • American Eagle

-cargo jeans

-straight leg jeans

-relaxed jeans

-graphic tees 

-band tees

  • Hollister-feel good hoodie-24/7 pajama pants
    • H&M

    -regular fit t-shirt

    -regular fit jersey shirt

    -relaxed fit sweatshirt

    -relaxed fit hoodie

    Skincare & Makeup-

    Skincare and makeup aren’t just for girls; they can be for boys as well. Everyone has skin that needs to be taken care of and these were the top-rated skincare products, used by all genders, in 2023:

    • The Ordinary Hyaluronic acid serum

    -This is great for adding moisture back into your skin, without causing breakouts

    • La Roche Posay double-repair moisturizer

    -This is perfect for any skin type to provide any extra moisture you might be missing from previous products

    • Paula’s Choice 2% BHA toner

    -This toner has become really popular this year because of its results. Everyone loves it, including us.

    •  Saie Glowly Super Gel

    -this product is amazing for an evening out your skin tone and any imperfections or blemishes you want to cover without adding excessive amounts of makeup.

    Popular items that everyone loves-

    For our girlies, these are some of the top favorite items from various brands that we’ve seen other girls walking around with and we’ve decided we just needed this Christmas:

    • Stanley

    -tumbler 40 oz

    -tumbler 30 oz

    -flip straw 30 oz

    -flowstate 20 oz

    • Record Player
      • Vinyl
      • Books
      • Concert tickets
      • Perfume or Cologne 
      • Makeup

      -nars concealer

      -laura mercier setting powder

      -two faced lip injection lip plumper

      -anastasia beverly hills brow gel

      -charlotte tilbury light wand highlighter

      • Bracelets

      -pura vida 

      -amazon has very cute gold and silver bracelets, depending on what style your kid likes 

      • Hair products

      Hopefully this list has helped you ease into the Christmas season and given you some perfect ideas! We know that these are the current things everyone our age has been raving about recently, and with the holiday and gifting season right around the corner, we thought we’d try to make sure Santa and his elves got everyone the things they wished for. We hope everyone has an amazing holiday season, and this article has helped calm some parents’ nerves about gifts this year. 



Meet Your 23-24 Student Council

Addyson Adkins, Raegan Brown, Camaryn Douglas, Brooke Hamilton & Nathan Hinojosa| September 2023

We are so excited to present to you your Student Council for this year:

Senior Officers:
President: Maureen Mann
Vice President: Kiley Leahy
Secretary: Lily Gray
Treasurer: Scott Nelson
Co-Historian: Lacey Tyler & Yian Ortiz
Parliamentarian: Shantin Aguilar
Junior Directors:
Haleigh Pearson
Anistyn Kinsley
Addison Hunt
Lily Rose
Sophomore Directors:
Shelby Wilkinson
Landon Patton
Malah Rogers 

They are all so excited to represent you on the Student Council this year. Student Council members are the ones who plan our school Prom, Homecoming, and any other formals. Part of planning the events is picking themes and decorating accordingly as they set up prior to each and every one of the fun events. Student Council also helps plan fundraisers, faculty and staff appreciation, plus they collect large amounts of donations for community first responders and so much more. Who are these Senior Class Officers? Let’s find out!

Your President of the Student Council is Maureen Mann! She, as president, leads the group, leads meetings, and helps plan future events. She loves to help people, which she can apply through her nursing and physical therapy jobs. She does PT for Scott County in the mornings with Trainer Dan plus takes nursing classes. Maureen said, “I just really feel like it’s what I want to do when I grow up, it’s my calling” when asked about her nursing. She said her time management can get stressful, but she just really tries to stay organized and keep a good schedule. Maureen stated, “I believe that for all freshmen they should try for student council. I wish I could’ve done it all four years as a freshman and sophomore.” She’s so excited for this school year and all the fun things that will come!

Our Vice-President, Kiley Leahy, ran for student council because she wants to make a difference at the high school. She said, “This is my senior year, if there’s anything I could accomplish this year, it would be to make a difference for the students.” She plans to help our school environment by trying her best to make everyone feel welcome because she is also a student ambassador. Kiley states “When we are welcoming our freshmen, I want everyone to feel welcome here and set a good culture so that every student feels welcome no matter what.” She enjoys being a part of the student council for multiple reasons. She loves to be a part of the school and to be engaged. She talks about how she loves being able to do good for the school and being in student council gives her the opportunity to fulfill these things. She recommends freshmen try and get involved in anything they can. She says, “The high school experience is fun and so many opportunities are out there, like Student Council, BETA Club, B-Team or any type of sport.” Kiley also said that she thinks what makes the high school experience the best is doing your best, trying to be a part of the school and bringing love to the school. Kiley currently takes 3 classes at Georgetown College: Psychology, English 111, and Statistics. Kiley wants to go to Western Kentucky University (WKU). She hasn’t decided as of yet what she wants to major in once she graduates but thinks it’s a cool school because her sibling and friend have talked well about it.

Our Secretary, Lily Gray’s favorite part of the student council is how the group stands up for student opinions and gives students a say. Lily participates in student council because it gives her more activities and it looks good on college applications. She does plan on going to college for criminal psychology. Her hopes for the Student Council is to help develop a healthier environment and increase school safety. Lily always had an interest in Student Council. She wanted to participate her freshman and her junior year, but health problems prevented her from running. Lily tries her best to manage everything. Her secret to success is just taking her time and getting things done. Lily recommends trying your best, keeping up, and asking to make sure you know what you’re doing but overall to just have fun!

Scott Nelson is the Treasurer for the Student Council. As the treasurer, he manages the financial accounts for the Student Council. In other words, he is in charge of tracking how much money is in the accounts and helps decide how the money should be spent. He enjoys his position as the treasurer and loves how it is a good fit for him. Scott likes having a leadership role because he reports, “I can speak up when I need to.” Scott believes that everyone strives to be the best in their own role in the group. He enjoys how friendly everyone is in the Student Council and how he fits into the group. His plans for the future are to go to college.

Shantin Aguilar serves as the Parliamentary for Student Council here at SCHS. Shantin says she ran for student council again because she loved participating her sophomore year. Shantin explains that while serving she made so many friends, loved all the group work getting to know the other students, and that it was fun making all the spirit week decisions and decorating for Prom. She attends BCTC course classes, ECS, and Student Council. She said she plans on helping where help is needed, and going with the flow. There are so many spots in the student council and so much fun with the student council overall.