SCHS Registrar’s Office

Adrien Rutledge, SCHS Registrar

502-863-6855 ext. 5115


Transcripts & Diplomas

Scott County High School cannot print official transcripts or diplomas, they must be ordered through Please click the button below to go to

Go to Parchment

Permit Verification

To Request a Permit Verification Form, you must have your permit test already scheduled, you can do that by clicking HERE , once that is done please click the link below. 

Completed Permit forms will be available for pick up in the counseling office 24 hours after request is made.

During the summer months make sure to submit your requests a week in advance to allow time for forms to be completed. Forms can be picked up between 9am-12pm Mon-Friday.

Permit Verification Request


To enroll your student in Scott County High School, please complete the online enrollment forms by clicking the link below.

Online Enrollment

Fillable Enrollment Forms : please only use if online enrollment is down.