MONDAY, MARCH 13, 2023
Card-Time Announcements:
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) will be meeting Tuesday during Card Time in THE GYM.
EVERYONE is welcome to join us for a time of Food, Fun, The Bible, and prayer… And you can win money 😄
SCHS Cheer tryout packets are in the front office for those interested.
The University of Kentucky will be here for a college visit during CARD time on March 30th, in the Community room 281. Please sign up using the QR code posted around the school, on the google calendar or in the Counseling office.
If you are interested in entering the 2023 Congressional Art Competition, see Ms. Storch in room 150. This is open to all high school students and your art will be displayed at the State Capitol. Winners will have their work displayed at our Nation’s Capitol in Washington DC.