Anyone interested in stage crew for the fall play – There is a meeting after school in the auditorium on Monday September 11 until 5pm.
ACT Boot Camp will be held today September 8, from 4:00 – 5:30. This is a free event. Sign-ups will be in Guidance starting today. Mrs. Musick will cover Reading and English. Mr. Shields will cover Math and Mr. Daniels will cover Science. Any student wanting to improve their ACT scores are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Albensi in room 102.
Campbellsville University will be here September 13, Savanna College of Art & Design – September 21, Transylvania University will be here September 28, and Austin Peay State University will be here October 11, Centre College – October 25, from 11:35-12:05 in the community room 281. Please sign up using the QR code posted around the school, on the google calendar and in the Counseling office.